nextEDGE Technology

Company Information

nextEDGE Technology was founded on 2004 based on the experience with Localization of software. Internationalization has been our core of the business since then.
From August of 2004, we started software promotion with shareEDGE project (website) using that internationalization technique.
Currently we focus on developing and selling the "touchless interface aeroTAP" and "stereo-vision 3D sensor aeroTAP USB camera". By this, we try to send out leading-edge technology for a better future.

Company Information (English)
Company name nextEDGE Technology K.K.
Representative CEO Taisuke Sakamoto
Address SEEDS Tsukuba2 #302
1-13-4 Ninomiya, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki, Japan
Tel 029(858)1126
Fax 029(858)7510
Established March 8, 2004


Our company name "nextEDGE" indicates that we continuously work with customers to open up the road that leads to the "next edge".

  • Mission
    • To be the most reliable software engineering company, we take responsibility in the quality and cost efficiency of our products and services
    • To be the best partner for each customer, we collaborate with the customer's projects and products
  • Objectives
    • To meet and exceed our customers' expectations
    • To be a responsible company within the industry, local and global society
    • To be the 'next edge' or stand out, together with customers


  • Nov. 2003  Established nextEDGE Technology, Inc. in Houston, TX, USA
  • March 3, 2004  Established nextEDGE Technology K.K. in Tsukuba, Japan (Office in Japan)
  • August 23, 2004  Start of website as a solution for G11n service.

NOTE: For more information about shareEDGE G11n service, please see business opportunity in Japan.